RenuKrete utilizes a combination of proprietary equipment, materials and processes to create Engineered Concrete Floors. These machines, materials and processes were developed by RenuKrete specifically for the purpose of the installation of Engineered Concrete Floors. You will not find the same system anywhere else. The combination of this proprietary technology with our understanding of marketing, sales, administration, and leadership make RenuKrete a unique and very compelling franchising opportunity.
"At RenuKrete we bring magic to your backyard. First, the way we transform your concrete to look and feel like something else is a little magical. But, our magic is also in how we treat each other, our customers, and our vendor partners! We create this magic every day again. What kind of magic will you bring to RenuKrete today?" - Alex Lorenz, founder
There are three types of RenuKrete franchise opportunities:
- Flagstone business: A franchise that focuses on giving concrete floors - such as pool decks and walkways - the look and feel of flagstones.
- Tile business: A franchise that focuses on giving concrete floors - such as office floors, basements and retail stores - the look and feel of tile.
- Combo business: A franchise that combines both, flagstone and tile business.
Each opportunity comes with a unique set of equipment, supplies and processes. But what all opportunities have in common is that the RenuKrete team will provide first class and ongoing support.